Friday, October 18, 2013



          _Drug is a substance which may have medicinal, intoxicating, performance enhancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food.
What is considered a drug rather than a food varies between cultures, and distinctions between drugs and foods and between kinds of drug are enshrined in laws which vary between jurisdictions and aim to restrict or prevent drug use. Even within a jurisdiction, however, the status of a substance may be uncertain or contested with respect to both whether it is a drug and how it should be classified if at all. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.

 Real Medical Uses for Illegal and Abused Drugs

They may be the party favor of choice for rock stars and a source of illicit income for chemistry teachers breaking bad, but many highly illegal and often abused drugs have real medicinal benefits.
While we’ve all heard the debate over the medical uses of marijuana, according to information gathered by Medical Billing and Coding some of the most controlled substances were created with patient care and comfort in mind .Yes it does.So, does that mean heroin could come through on an insurance claim? Yes it does. It was originally an alternative to morphine and is now used as a painkiller. Although you’ll see it on your chart listed by its chemical name, Diamorphine. And methamphetamine? While better known for its trailer-based labs and ability to dramatically change appearance, it is actually an FDA approved treatment for ADHD. Apparently even cocaine and Ecstasy have their benefits.

Preventing Drug Abuse and Excessive Alcohol Use

Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use increases people’s chances of living long, healthy, and productive lives. Excessive alcohol use includes binge drinking (i.e., five or more drinks during a single occasion for men, four or more drinks during a single occasion for women), underage drinking, drinking while pregnant, and alcohol impaired driving. Drug abuse includes any inappropriate use of pharmaceuticals (both prescription and over-the counter drugs) and any use of illicit drugs. Alcohol and other drug use can impede judgment and lead to harmful risk-taking behavior. Preventing drug abuse and excessive alcohol use improves quality of life, academic performance, workplace productivity, and military preparedness; reduces crime and criminal justice expenses; reduces motor vehicle crashes and fatalities; and lowers health care costs for acute and chronic conditions.
  1. Support state, tribal, local, and territorial implementation and enforcement of alcohol control policies.
  2. Create environments that empower young people not to drink or use other drugs.
  3. Identify alcohol and other drug abuse disorders early and provide brief intervention, referral and treatment.
  4. Reduce inappropriate access to and use of prescription drugs

What are the dangers from using drugs?

The dangers

Drug use can never be 100 per cent safe but it is not always as dangerous as many people think. The dangers of drug use depend on drug, set and setting factors.
The drug bit is everything connected with the drug and how it is used. The set bit is everything connected with the person who is using the drugs. The setting bit is about what the person is doing at the time, where they are, the environment they live in etc.The basic principle is that drug dangers are the result of interactions between drug, set and setting. 
 Drugs are not all the same. Different drugs have different dangers associated with them.Some drugs (such as alcohol, heroin and tranquillisers) have a sedative effect which slow down the way the body and brain function. They can have a numbing effect that produces drowsiness if a lot is taken. Other drugs (such as amphetamine, cocaine, crack and ecstasy) have a stimulant effect giving a rush of energy and making people more alert. A third group of drugs (such as LSD and magic mushrooms and to a lesser extent cannabis and ecstasy) have a hallucinogenic effect. This means they tend to alter the way the user feels, sees, hears, tastes or smells.
 Sedative drugs like alcohol and heroin can lead to fatal overdose if a lot is taken. They can also affect co-ordination making accidents more likely. Use of sedatives can also lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms while others drugs like cannabis cannot.
Stimulant drugs can produce anxiety or panic attacks particularly if taken in large quantities. They can also be particularly dangerous for people who have heart or blood pressure problems.
 Hallucinogenic drugs sometimes produce very disturbing experiences and may lead to erratic or dangerous behaviour by the user, especially if they are already unstable. And of course some drugs are legal to use and others are not. Being arrested and getting a conviction can lead to all sorts of problems.

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